Cracow, 2018, Jul 8th - 22nd
Under the honorary patronage of the Mayor of Kraków, prof. Jacek Majchrowski
Under the honorary patronage of the Rector of the Jagiellonian University, prof. Wojciech Nowak


Find us also on: Google+
Early registration: Feb 1st - May 15th 2018
Fee: 400 PLN
Payments deadline: May 20th, 2018
Late registration: May 16st - Jun 30th 2018
Fee: 500 PLN
Payments deadline: Jun 30th, 2018

Please be advised, due to high interest in the School, participants who have paid the registration fee will have priority.

Conference fee (early: 400 PLN, late: 500 PLN) should be transferred to:
Polskie Towarzystwo Astronomiczne
ul. Bartycka 18
00-716 Warszawa
From a Polish account:93 1160 2202 0000 0000 2906 0524
From other accounts: IBAN: PL 93 1160 2202 0000 0000 2906 0524
entitled: "Cosmology Krakow ­ {name and surname of a participant}" for example "Cosmology Krakow ­ John Smith".

Within the European Union, transfers should take just a few days, but it can take longer from outside the EU. In any case, please send us an e-mail with the confirmation or present it at the registration desk in Kraków. In order to receive an invoice on behalf of a company or organisation please state this during registration.

Visa Information

Citizens of countries in the Schengen Area do not need any specific papers. Participants from outside of the Schengen Area, please check with the Polish embassy in your country about the specific papers needed, if any. You personally have to ask the embassy or the consulate for the Visa in order to participate in the 4th Cosmology School 2018 in Kraków.

Applying for the Visa may take some time and organizers cannot participate in the process. Only thing organizers are able to do is to send you a Letter of Invitation which is needed for the application.

4th Cosmology School 2018 organizers cannot take any responsibility for unsuccessful visa applications or intervene against any decision made by the embassies. Also, please take into account that Visa application is a process that might take some time, remember to fill in your application in advance. Late registration participants, please be advised that the first deadline in almost at the minimum time necessary for Visa application processing. In some countries process of the application itself might take some time additionally to the application processing and issuing the Visa. Whole process might take even up to 2-3 months.